Finally smoke-free! The right moment to join is now!

Your life, your health, your opportunity!

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Finally smoke-free! The right moment to join is now!

Your life, your health, your opportunity!

Easily makes you a non-smoker!

Our online course offers you a whole new opportunity for a cigarette-free future. You will learn suitable strategies that will help you to sustainably quit smoking. We will offer you plenty of new knowledge, tips, and advice for a healthier and more conscious lifestyle.
Sign up for our course this very day!

This is how it works:

Our program takes place over the course of 8 units. Each unit you will gain access to a new module consisting of a training video, a theoretical section, homework, and a knowledge check. This diverse and practical material containing tips and tricks for everyday life is exactly what you need for your personal journey into a fit and healthy new life.

Our program is ideal for you if you …

… want to live a fitter, healthier and more conscious life!

… have been meaning to quit smoking but haven’t been able to find the motivation!

… are looking for a promising professional way to quit smoking on your own terms!

What to expect if you sign up:

The course structure:

  • 8 learning units consisting of 4 parts each
  • Each unit contains a video, an informative text, homework, and a quiz to test your newly gained knowledge

Topic overview:

    1. Unit: How to get motivated; Relaxation exercises that will help you out
    2. Unit: Recognizing your own smoking patterns and changing them
    3. Unit: Your own strategy to quit smoking
    4. Unit: How calculated exercising can help you quit smoking
    5. Unit: Neurobiological background: What happens in your brain when you smoke and why this is important to know “Let´s Go” Phase
    6. Unit: The groundwork you need to stop smoking
    7. Unit: Going from “pushing to persevere” to “living a conscious and healthy life” isn’t as hard as you think it is “Stay a Non-Smoker for the rest of your life” Phase
    8. Unit: What to pay attention to in your first smoke-free days

Tired of “somehow, somewhere, someday”?

Stop smoking easily: Your way to a smoke-free future!

“What kind of program will help smokers permanently end their love-hate relationship with their cigarettes? It will have to be engaging, believable, practical, and easily comprehensible.”

Creator Prof. Dr. med. Peter Schulte discussing this program

Dr. Schulte is a general practitioner and psychotherapist, a professor of prevention and corporate health management at the Weserbergland University of applied sciences (HSW) and research director of the “Länger besser leben” institute (transl. “living longer and better”), which is a cooperation between the HSW and the german health insurance scheme BKK24.


Finally live a self-determined and healthy life. Our online course allows you to participate from your own home whenever you want. Sounds good? Get started right now.

Buy now!
Easily stop smoking!

119€ (one-time payment)

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